Yesterday, we published our 2024 edition of the "Xbox Games To Look Forward To" guide that we put together every year, and in the process we seem to have reminded a few people that Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered is almost here!

Yes, even though it seems to be getting little marketing, Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered will be on Xbox One, Series X and Series S as soon as February 14th, 2024, and you can pre-order it now on the Xbox Store for £22.49 / $26.99.

As we've mentioned before, this remastered collection will allow you to experience the first three games in the Tomb Raider series with either the updated or original visuals, and all the expansions and secret levels are also included.

We're getting closer and closer to that release date now, so is a purchase on the cards for you? Have you already pre-ordered, or are you waiting a bit longer to see what the reviews are like? Come and tell us!

How are you feeling about Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered so far? Tell us down in the comments below.

Will You Be Getting Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered? (589 votes)

  1. Definitely! Take my money!43%
  2. I'll probably end up getting it, yeah28%
  3. Maybe, I'm not sure13%
  4. Probably not, but you never know10%
  5. Not interested to be honest!7%