
Topic: Finding the right TV for Xbox Series X

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@R1spam Thanks for your info on the U8K but like I said in my previous post, if it’s got a bulky rear where it’ll stick out when wall mounted then no matter how good it is, it’s not going to be an option. I can’t have a TV that has an obvious gap, my wife explicitly said she wants another slim TV like the KS8000 I currently have, she won’t have a TV that’s sticking out from the wall and I don’t blame her because it would be an eye sore. I’ve had people on a forum showing me pictures of their TCL C845 wall mounted and was shocked with the gap between the TV and wall, one of them was even tilted. That TV is 1mm more in depth compared to the Hisense U8K so even that will look horrendous wall mounted.

Edited on by MaccaMUFC



@MaccaMUFC shame mate, a bulky rear can have its place 🤣. Happy hunting!

PSN: Tiger-tiger_82
XBOX: Placebo G


@MaccaMUFC I know you are I have been in the same boat for years with regards to TV's and I just still am not convinced they have the Longevity for way above (as in 3x or more above) the Average UK household and on which 5 to 10yrs life would be expected/achieved with modern day OLEDs.

10000hrs may sound like a lot if you watch less than 1500 a year, but nearly 5000 seems like a big risk to me...

Besides I wall mount too and think EVERY TV should have a breakout box....

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@BAMozzy Yeah I agree. If your TV were to break today and needed a new one, what would you go for that are currently available right now?

Edit: I’ll make the choice easier. Samsung QN95C - £1,599 or Sony X95L - £1,699? I’m going to have to put some overtime in at work for either one of those TVs. I’m not sure about the TCL C935 now as I’ve heard mixed things about it, I’d rather spend £200-£300 more knowing I’m getting a better quality TV. I know I’ll be without Dolby Vision for gaming with both TVs but the specs along will more than make up for being without it.

Edited on by MaccaMUFC



@MaccaMUFC I'd probably go for an LG C series in all honesty - unless I found something 'better' in a sale. I would probably stick at 55" too rather than look for an upgrade in size for what I think I would consider a 'replacement' to a broken TV that will likely end up in the Bedroom when the 'right' TV comes out.

Its the fact that the KS8000 (so far) is still OK and hasn't pushed me to make that decision despite every year looking at what the 'next' wave of TV's and thinking they aren't that much better - enough to justify swapping at that price point.

If my KS8000 broke, then that's a different situation - an OLED - even with its risks - is better than 'no' TV and I'll have some Warranty for the next 5yrs on it - just in case. But I'd probably still be looking for my 'next' TV...

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@BAMozzy You would actually pay over a grand for the LG C3 even though you know degradation will most likely show within a year or two due to the amount of use it will get? I couldn’t stomach paying that much for something for that short of a lifespan, especially when the KS8000 is still as good as it was when I first got it nearly 7 years ago and it was cheaper too I think it was about £1,200.

I just saw earlier on that that QN95C is £1,599 on some online stores and the Sony X95L for £100 more. I like the design of the Samsung more but apparently the Sony is the better TV overall.



@MaccaMUFC You asked what I'd do if my KS8000 'broke' and left me without ANY decent TV to watch or play games on until I found a suitable replacement. Compared to say renting or spending 'less' for a TCL for example, I'd rather pay that bit more, take out some extended Warranty and buy myself maybe a couple more years to find a replacement.

However, with my KS8000 still holding up, I've not been put in that position - therefore I haven't bought an OLED but I would prefer that over TCL for example and the Samsung is pushing the budget up for what I would consider a 'temporary' option for 'now' if my KS8000 decided to pack up.

Whilst my TV is still functioning as I expect - especially with the use it gets - there isn't anything I'd consider in truth. But if it did pack up, I'd see the LG C series as a decent option for the interim - but I'd still be 'looking' for the 'next' TV. I'd settle for a 2022 LG C series if I found one and Cheap enough 'New' but with the expected new C series coming, I'd go for a 2023 rather than buy the latest at a 'premium' price because I don't expect it to 'last'. Its why I haven't bought yet because I'd rather not throw money at something that may only last a few years - unless I felt I had no choice because my TV is no longer functional....

Also if its ~£1k and lasts 2yrs with 5000hrs of use per year, that's £1 for 10hrs or 10p an hour...

Edited on by BAMozzy

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

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