
Topic: General Xbox Series X|S Thread

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Hey everyone. Considering a price range of 500$/euro and the launch list of games we currently know about. How likely are you to pick up Series X on launch day ?
And I mean specifically launch day. Not like the first 3-6 month or so.



I'll believe that the price is something like 500-550€, and I will most likely get one on launch day (90% chance). Only lauch game I need is Halo.

"Wake me... when you need me."

Xbox Gamertag: Justifier1651


@BrilliantBill I'd spend £500 without thinking twice, anything higher and I might have to think twice! The fact that you can play games from this gen in an optimised way means I'm not even that bothered about the launch games.

Sic semper tyrannis


At £500, I will be looking to buy at launch. The only thing that may stop that is the PS5, its launch line up, price etc but whichever console I get at launch, I will be looking to pick up the other as soon as I can after. At the moment, the Series X certainly looks to be the console I will get Day 1 and it would take something exceptional from Sony to convince me to buy the PS5...

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

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Xbox Gamertag: bamozzy


One major trouble with showing games for Series X (and also PS5) is that one their biggest advantages is having almost no loading times. And you just can't show that in a trailer. SX supporting frame rates up to 120fps is similarly challenging to actually show. Also for all the hype Sony makes for its Tempest audio engine and haptic triggers on controller, these features also can't be shown without going hands on with console. Within a compressed 1080p livestream on YT all we can see is dramatically better graphics and I don't know if we see that anytime soon.



Do we have a price for this thing yet?? I am thinking of putting some money aside for this but not quite sure how much it will be.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog


@Tasuki It’s most likely we won’t know the price until a lot closer to launch but I’d be very surprised if it was under 500 and shocked if over 550 so I’d aim to save up at least 500 tbh.



a breakdown of what Nanite and Lumens offer, how it compares to current methods etc. Also could save Devs a lot of time when making their games...

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

Xbox Gamertag: bamozzy


OK so i don't have access to my XB1 right now but i noticed while on the PS4 store that LEGO The Hobbit had been re-released (it even gives this month as it's release date)

now it was pulled from digital stores because of licencing issues just like Duck Tales Remastered but and again just like Duck Tales it's now back and just dropped on the store without a by or leave

anyway i find the entire situation odd, does anyone else?

and also can someone please check if it's back on the XB Store too

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"Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!


@BlueOcean I really don't think anyone would be surprised that Unreal 5, a game engine expected to be used by many developers - inc numerous first party Xbox developers wouldn't work on anything other than PS5.

The question though is more how well that PS5 demo would run on Series X IF they were to port it over. Would it run equally as well? would it run better? would they need to change something - the Asset size for example to work as well or would we see some 'issues' because the Series X can't stream as much Data as quickly.

Some things could well be 'better' on Series X - Lumen for example as the SeX has more Cores/Shaders than PS5 so can allocate more resources to processing, de-noising or more 'rays' to calculate the bounce lighting. It may have a 'better' resolution - not drop below 1440p at times etc but maybe some of the statues in that room may need to be 'scaled' down to stream in that many as quickly, that flying sequence may have some pop-in as a lower quality asset is swapped out for a higher quality at a certain distance because it can't stream in ALL the high quality versions as quick - who knows?

I have NO doubt that the Demo 'could' run on Series X but how well it can, without ANY changes, we don't know. However, Unreal5 will be on Xbox - inc last gen too....

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

Xbox Gamertag: bamozzy


Can't wait for the Series X.



A guy is leaking what is, according to him, PS5 pricing.

$499, €499 and £449 for PS5

$399, €399 and £349 for PS 5AD

If this is true, Series X should be $399, €399 and £349 to be competitive.

Is this what you expect? If you ask me, yes but I expect PS 5AD to be 50 and not 100 cheaper.

Edited on by Banjo-



This is probably going to happen. The AD version ties the owner for life of the generation to only the PS Store. Apparently Sony makes an extra 8$ per purchase off PS Store (compared to physical) so after buying 8-9 games this gap is covered.

I think series X will price itself next to normal disc version of PS5 at 499$ but if Microsoft wants to really hurt Sony's chances they can sell SX for 399$ (but then the question remains on how to price Lockhart that it stays relevant).

It appears that Microsoft's huge focus is just increasing GamePass subs. Hence the recent sales on One S and One X for really subsidised prices. In that case SX for 399$ is not impossible.



@BlueOcean I’m expecting a repeat of the Xbox One X and S price structures. With the Xbox series X being the same price the Xbox One X launch at 499$. I would expect to the Lockhart to be the same as the cheapest Xbox One S at launch 299$. I would expect the Xbox series consoles to supersede the Xbox ones rather than be sold alongside them.

As for the PlayStation I have no reason to disagree with your $499, €499 and £449 for PS5 and $399, €399 and £349 for PS 5AD. I would expect them to discontinue the PlayStation 4 pro and continue selling the PlayStation 4 slim for around $249 has a HD console to compete with the Lockhart.


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