Comments on: How To Find The Best Resonance Structure By Applying Electronegativity Thu, 29 Dec 2022 03:43:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rohit Roy Fri, 09 Oct 2020 06:49:43 +0000 very useful website.helped me during jee prep

By: BJ Thu, 25 Jun 2020 13:38:00 +0000 I have found in various books that having three charges in a resonance structure would make it insignificant.Is this gospel for resonance structures? When I practice doing RS I always treat RS with three charges as insignificant. If this is the case why is the acetate ion with three charges not insignificant?
Also, when I do this structure I just make two pushing arrows at the same time to get the other major RS. So what is the point to doing the one with three charges?

By: James Ashenhurst Wed, 20 Nov 2019 03:10:39 +0000 In reply to Bharath Hegde.

Yes, they are the best. The question asked for the “second best” forms!

By: fula Tue, 01 Oct 2019 09:15:41 +0000 thank you! I have one more question I am having a hard time with! In the problem set we are supposed to draw the second best resonance structure but for some of the problems it looks like the second best answer in the key is a better choice then the original molecule? For example on the 6th molecule with the positive charge on the oxygen, the answer key gave a resonance structure with the positive charge on the carbon as the better choice even though negative charges should be on the more negative atom?

By: James Ashenhurst Mon, 30 Sep 2019 15:11:41 +0000 In reply to fula.

Third row elements such as phosphorus and sulfur can have more than 8 electrons in their valence shell.

By: fula Mon, 30 Sep 2019 09:54:25 +0000 why can there be 10 valence electrons on phosphorus in the 4th problem in the question set?

By: James Ashenhurst Mon, 17 Jun 2019 17:44:43 +0000 In reply to Vaishu.

It doesn’t. In the resonance form of dimethyl sulfoxide written (CH3)2-S(+)–O(-) there is actually a lone pair on the sulfur.

By: Bharath Hegde Thu, 27 Sep 2018 13:21:34 +0000 In the last five, except the 2nd last, wouldn’t the resonating forms given in the answers be the best forms? As you explained, more electronegative elements having a +ve charge and less than octet valence shell configuration are very unstable. So wouldnt those resonating forms, where the +ve charge is on the less electronegative element and where the more electronegative one is neutral with octet, be more stable? A reply would be appreciated.

By: Vaishu Thu, 01 Sep 2016 13:20:57 +0000 Why can sulphur have less than a full octet?

By: yashkalp Tue, 12 Apr 2016 15:27:48 +0000 in the case of CO2 there can be a resonating structure with carbon triple bonded and single bonded with oxygen [with + and – charges on oxygen] and this should be the second best structure because here more no of covalent bond is present which increases the stability.
