Comments on: The Three Classes of Nucleophiles Fri, 07 Jul 2023 12:46:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: BJ Thu, 09 Jul 2020 07:25:10 +0000 Ok, after further research let me see if I have my thought processes in order.
1.) when moving across a row nucleophilicity follows basicity. The less electronegative an atom is the more basic it is.

2.)When going down a group it is not so simple. Nucleophilicity does not necessarily mirror basicity. This idea stems from the fact that when we consider an negatively charged ion as a nucleophile we must take into consideration the type of solvent used.If a polar protic solvent is used, the nucleophile will be hindered from being able to share its electrons in attacking an electrophile because the protic solvent will hydrogen bond and form a solvation shell around the nucleophile. Basically, this means that larger anions, which are more polarizable, will be more nucleophilic because their electrons will be less hindered when compared to smaller anions in their group.Thus, in this case nucleophilicity increases as you go down a group, not up a group.

3.)However, if you use a polar apriotic solvent on a negatively charged ion no hydrogen bonding occurs.Thus, no solvation shell. In consequence, you will have nucleophilicty following basicity up or down the column(Note: I have read that even then this is not always the case.Could you elaborate?)

4.)When it concerns nucleophiles that are uncharged size dicatates nucleophilicity.The larger the atom the greater a nucleophile it is.
5.) Sterically hindered nucleophiles react more slowly.

By: BJ Wed, 08 Jul 2020 13:23:05 +0000 The third trend of nucleophilicity of lone pairs states-nucleophilicity increases as you go down the periodic table .Do we always assume nucleophilicity always increases as we go down any group in the periodic table or must we always consider the solvent along with this trend?Please explain.

By: James Ashenhurst Mon, 27 Apr 2020 16:29:25 +0000 In reply to Dezső.

Nucleophilicity is solvent-dependent. Polar protic solvents can hydrogen bond with halides. F- is most basic, but also forms strongest hydrogen bonds, and will carry around with it a shell of solvent molecules which hinder nucleophilicity. That is why F- is the worst nucleophile among halides in polar protic solvents.

In polar aprotic solvents trend is reversed; F- is best nucleophile, I- worst. See this post on solvents:

By: Dezső Sun, 26 Apr 2020 16:04:18 +0000 (I know this post is really old but trying does no harm)
In a previous post you mentioned that electronegativity increases the stability of negative charge (therefore basicity as well)
But as you said in this post, F(-) is the worst nucleophile despite havint the most basicity (if I’m not mistaken)
So does it mean that nucleophility DEcreases with basicity? (Sorry if I’m asking nonsense, I’m just a high school student interested in org chem ><)

By: James Ashenhurst Fri, 13 Sep 2019 17:16:03 +0000 In reply to Sap.

Glad you’ve found it helpful Sap!

By: James Ashenhurst Thu, 12 Sep 2019 21:13:52 +0000 In reply to Emily.

The electrophile is the weak O-O bond, specifically the sigma* orbital of the O-O bond. The nucleophile is the C-B bond. It’s a strange reaction the first time you see it, but there are more examples in org 2.

By: James Ashenhurst Thu, 29 Aug 2019 20:38:19 +0000 In reply to ANGALINA.

It certainly can! For example, carbonate ion can react with an electrophile (e.g. dimethyl sulfate) to give CH3-O-CO2(-) in a nucleophilic substitution reaction. The problem with the resulting product is that it is unstable towards loss of CO2 (it’s a carbonic acid) and will form an alkoxide (alcohol after protonation). If multiple equivalents of the electrophile are used, the R-O-CO2(-) will react further to give another substitution product, e.g. CH3-O-CO-O-CH3. This product, “dimethyl carbonate” is stable.

By: James Ashenhurst Sat, 27 Apr 2019 03:15:21 +0000 In reply to Pooja.

By: ANGALINA Fri, 13 Apr 2018 16:40:58 +0000 Can a carbonate ion act as a nucleophile?

By: Kate Fri, 16 Mar 2018 17:54:00 +0000 In reply to Diana.

Iodine is less basic in reactions than fluorine is because it is less electronegative. Fluorine has the highest electronegativity of any chemical element.
