
Topic: Last Game You Beat

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Spent the entire day of Christmas Eve yesterday playing the last few things in original Final Fantasy VII for my Nintendo Switch Lite and beat the game. I almost forgot about Ultimate Weapon which it was hiding out in that big waterfall crater area the whole time while i was catching and breeding chocobos. Managed to beat Emerald with just Cloud and bunch of Omnislashes the entire time.



Finished Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance HD on PS4 today. All in all it's a pretty good KH game. It started off rather slow story-wise but became way more interesting towards the end and I can see now why it's important to play this game as it sets up everything before KH3. The gameplay system is like a mix of Birth By Sleep and KH2. You can assign different attacks to utilise but they cannot level up or combined to make more powerful attacks like in BBS. Moreover, the combat feels more liberating, like you can move around much better than in previous games and it makes hitting enemies more satisfying compared to the stale movement of previous games.

It's definitely nowhere near as good as BBS or KH2 since it severely lacks worlds and it's rather short because of that. Also there's a distinct lack of Disney characters in this game and a fair amount of reused worlds from previous games, which is not good considering that this game barely has any original worlds to begin with.

So yeah, the gameplay system pretty much carried the majority of the game for me until the end when the story started getting good. I'm glad that I've finally experienced this game now and I've already starting going through the second title in the 2.8 collection. Hopefully I can be done with this collection this weekend.



Finished Tomb Raider reboot earlier in the week, then Duck Tales Remastered (both on Steam) just in time for getting my Series S on Xmas day. Loved Tomb Raider, similar gameplay to Uncharted etc. Duck tales was ok. Not the best platformer I've ever played, but solid enough. Killed a few hours and got it off the backlog!

No idea what to play now as I've so much to choose from with Game Pass and my backlog on other systems too. Nice problem to have though.

Edited on by dmcc0



I beat Brutal Legend. After you finish the main story or brings you back to the game so can keep doing the side there more to the story or is it just for achievements?


Xbox Gamertag: Krzzystuff


@dmcc0 Unless you grew up with DuckTales on the NES DuckTales Remastered isn't going to impress you. It's just your typical platformer.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog


@Tasuki I grew up with DuckTales on NES, and I actually think that being a fan of the original game just makes the remaster worse. I was hugely disappointed with the remaster, and I felt that the developers really missed the mark and was trying to please the fans of the TV show more than the fans of the original game.


Xbox Gamertag: ZWEIFELundANGST


@JoakimZ Well the NES game was based off of the TV show. I thought it did well especially adding the voice talents. The biggest gripe I had was the hit detection was a bit off. Of course it's been a few years since I played it.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog


Well on top of Dream Drop Distance, I've now also finished playing Kingdom Hearts A Fragmentary Passage and I just got done watching the short movie Chi Back Cover. I'm now all caught up with the series and ready to play Kingdom Hearts 3! Though that might not be for quite some time, so now I'll have to look for other games to play in the meantime.



The last game I beat is Immortals Fenyx Rising. I finished it last night and had one hell of a time with the game. I’ll probably start Gears 5 Hivebusters tonight when I go get off work.



Mafia DE. Easily my 2020 GOTY. Amazing story, graphics and music.



Gears of War 4 and thought it was a blast. Great looking game too considering it’s age. The last few levels in particular are great fun.

Onto gears 5 next, which I believe looks stunning on the series X.



Greedfall. Got the balance and bad ending.

Taiko is good for the soul, Hoisa!
Japanese NNID:RyuNiiyamajp
Team Cupcake! 11/15/14
Team Spree! 4/17/19
I'm a Dream Fighter. Perfume is Love, Perfume is Life.

Xbox Gamertag: Ryu Niiyama


Just beat fallen order..!!
3rd game finished this year..!!

Gonna take a few days off now, then getting stuck into Ryse 😙

Edited on by sib



Heard lots of good things about Mafia.
May have to pick it up in the sale 🤔



@sib Yeah, mate. When you have the chance, just buy it. Was so good, it stuck with me since then.



Last recent game i just played and beat was Final Fantasy VIII for my Nintendo Switch. Played the last few bits of the game from 7 pm to 10 pm tonight. Forgot how annoying Ultimecias castle is to unseal your stuff. been a long long time since played the game since early 2000ish



Just finished Titanfall 2. Not usually a FPS fan, but really enjoyed this one. Nice varied gameplay, and not too long so it didn't overstay it's welcome. Another game I probably wouldn't have looked if it wasn't for Game Pass



I just finished Haven last night. Good game. Really enjoyed the music and story, the loading between islands was a bit annoying, it was fast but just didn't want it at all lol. Spoiled i know. Apparently it's loaded with rare achievements as i got like 10 of them...if more people eventually get them do they become regular achievements?

Off to Tekken 7 before it's gone to rack up gamerscore for the January punch card.

Edited on by Krzzystuff


Xbox Gamertag: Krzzystuff


@Krzzystuff glad you enjoyed it, I got quite far into it and got fed up. The combat never clicked with me, found it really annoying especially with later enemies. Game had some performance issues too but it’s worth a try for anyone on gamepass.



Just finished Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia on Wii U. I've been playing this game on and off for the past 8 months and I'm just glad that I managed to eventually finish it after having taken a long break from it during that period.

Anyway, I had a blast with this game. This is my second favourite Pokémon spin-off series (after Pokémon Mystery Dungeon) and the whole gameplay mechanic of using your stylus to draw circles around Pokémon in order to capture them is very fun and addicting, I can never get enough of that! I remember playing the first Pokémon Ranger on my DS as a kid (probably 13-14 years ago) and I liked it but I thought it was a rather tough game. However, it feels like Shadows of Almia toned down the difficulty significantly. It's too bad though that I never continued with this series as a child, but at least the sequels are available on the Wii U eShop and for a very cheap price as well (€7) compared to buying second-hand physical copies at €40-50. I'm definitely buying the third game as well.

What I didn't like about this game is the side missions. They were fun at first and added more stuff to do besides the story, but then they started becoming tedious and not as fun anymore. Not to mention that you have to do side missions in between story missions before you can progress with the story, which was just annoying at the end when I just wanted to finish the game.

Overall though, it was a highly enjoyable experience that was reminiscent of the time I played the first game as a kid, as well as a throwback to a time when Nintendo was just going crazy with trying out different ways to play games with the DS and Wii. Sometimes I just need a break from using standard controllers and play something completely different instead. This did the job really well!


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