
Topic: Now Playing on Xbox Series X|S

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There's no Xbox 360 thread for this, but I'm playing Dragon Age 2 now that I'm done with Quantum Break. I sadly never played this back in the day as I missed out on several games I would have normally played on the 360 after I got a PS3. Anyways, seemed like a good time after it got on the latest FPS Boost list.

PSN ID/Xbox Live Gamertag: KilloWertz
Switch Friend Code: SW-6448-2688-7386


@Balta666 You can find a game that you will start and finish. I have faith in you.

An added note to my post from last night. Not only is it amazing to be playing a 10 year old game like Dragon Age 2 in 60 FPS, but it's also amazing that Quick Resume works with a 10 year old game. I was shocked when it actually worked.

PSN ID/Xbox Live Gamertag: KilloWertz
Switch Friend Code: SW-6448-2688-7386


I just started up Halo Wars last night after finishing Halo 5. The march towards Infinite continues!


Xbox Gamertag: Krzzystuff


Well not so sure I will beat Symphony of night after all .
It is the first time I am playing it and I love metroidvanias but this game is just not clinking with me. The first half of the game is super easy up to the big boss fight and the second half has a huuuge difficulty spike that is just boring as heck. I am loosing 10-20min chunks of game very often and altough I am only missing two parts i am not sure I want to go back.


@Balta666 There was a stretch last year where I played a few games or so in a row that I never finished, as I am reminded of every time I scroll through my achievements, but I got out of that rut and hopefully you do too.

Pick something obvious. There has to be something you haven't played that is pretty much a guarantee.

PSN ID/Xbox Live Gamertag: KilloWertz
Switch Friend Code: SW-6448-2688-7386


Started Tiny Tina's Assault On Dragonkeep today and I am having alot of fun with it. It's easy to see why so many people say this was the best DLC for Borderlands 2. I am playing the stand alone version as I don't have a character high enough to play it with Borderlands 2.

I am playing it with my son and we are doing a Kreig/Maya team where I am doing a healer Maya build and it's working really well. We got some decent gear including the Magic Missel grenade mod and we just hit level ten.

One thing I will say with the standalone version is if you never played Borderlands 2 and are remotely Interested in the story do not get the stand alone version of Tiny Tina's because it contains alot of.spoilers which obviously should because it was the last DLC released for BL2 so it makes sense. However if you have no interest in BL2 story or like me played BL2 in the past but never got hight enough level for Tiny Tina's DLC then this is a great way to experience it.

Can't wait for the new one next year.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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@Tasuki I've never really been into Borderlands, but the trailer(s) (don't remember if there's more than one) for Tiny Tina's Wonderlands intrigued me enough that I want to play that when it comes out. Now that they released Assault on Dragon Keep by itself, I want to try that sometime soon as well. I'm not worried about being spoiled since I have no plans on playing any of the regular Borderlands games.

PSN ID/Xbox Live Gamertag: KilloWertz
Switch Friend Code: SW-6448-2688-7386


@KilloWertz Just keep in mind that Assault on Dragon Keep plays like BL2 while Wonderlands is its own thing.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog


Finished Symphony of the night and moving on to the outer worlds. So far not a big fan of the gunning mechanics (as I am pretty terrible on a controller I like my shooters to have some auto aim on consoles) but the narrative is interesting for sure. Meanwhile will also start Dante's inferno as part of the monthly play here on Pure Xbox


I tried Haven last evening. It was somewhat intriguing but I don't know if it's worth paying the price now that it has left Game Pass. The love story and the graphics are fine but the hovering gameplay didn't convince me, not as smooth and fun as I expected but I only played a little while. Has anybody beaten the game?

Edited on by Banjo-



@BlueOcean i finished it almost a year ago. It was a good game but no one i would pay for. I'm a cheapo Philipo so I really wouldn't have played most of the games I've played if i had to buy them outright so not sure if that's helpful. I liked the story a lot and the tunes. The game will basically be all about gravity boot hovering for your travel so if you didn't like it that's likely the deal breaker for you


Xbox Gamertag: Krzzystuff


I finished off call of the sea last night so now I'm focusing on finishing Halo Wars 1 and 2 before i allow myself to start infinite campaign. Some infinite multiplayer and likely FH5 will be played in between however.


Xbox Gamertag: Krzzystuff


@Krzzystuff Thank you, it was helpful, indeed. What I saw of the world was a bit meh, too.



I can finally write here now that Microsoft has added Cloud Gaming to Xbox One and the games are the Series X/S versions.

So I've played a bit of Forza Horizon 5 and Marvel's Avengers and both games are absolutely phenomenal. There's basically no lag at all and the gameplay feels very smooth. I'm playing both in performance mode because I assume that playing them in higher resolution will cause more issues for the streaming. Plus I prefer performance over resolution anyway. But yeah, I've missed playing the Horizon games and I'm genuinely impressed by how good Avengers is. Can't wait to play more of these and possibly other titles as well.



@LtSarge You actually like Marvel's Avengers. Might as well just block me all over again. You're dead to me...

Best I've heard about that is the campaign is decent, but that's about it. It's free, so I can't criticize too much, and I have yet to try it out myself. So, in the end, I guess I'll just say it's good that you are getting more out of it than most people.

PSN ID/Xbox Live Gamertag: KilloWertz
Switch Friend Code: SW-6448-2688-7386


Played a few more hours of Assault on Dragon Keep tonight I am still really enjoying this game, in fact it has me wanting to start up Borderlands 3 once I finish this.

Anyway reached level 15 today and finished off the Dwarven mines. Not quite sure how much I have left but I feel that I don't have too much more to do.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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