
Topic: Now Playing on Xbox Series X|S

Posts 521 to 540 of 551


Playing Alan Wake 2 and Killer Instinct

Playing With Power

On the Series X - ThatSegaDude


Playing Quantum Break, but had to stop to download the Live Action Sequences since it's not streaming anymore, here comes over 75gb of downloading




Saw Dragons Dogma was on sale after the "showcase for 2".

Purchased and playing that as well.

Playing With Power

On the Series X - ThatSegaDude


Still working my way through P5T and onto the last kingdom. The gameplay is phenomenal. But I'm starting to grow weary of the dialogue honestly. With that said, I'm mostly skimming it now to get to the battles.

Also started dead space remake.



I'm making my way through Atomic Heart and dipping in and out of Forza Motorsport.


Xbox Gamertag: Crippy D


@Balta666 Yeah man. It's wild how much Elden Ring pulled from it.

I was hooked from the start. The contols are a bit jank but I can't wait for the new one in March. So hyped.

Playing With Power

On the Series X - ThatSegaDude


I had a really good time with dragons dogma. Looking forward to the 2nd game next year

Edited on by NintendoByNature



Lies Of P (Xbox Gamepass)

Usually don't do Souls-like games and just stick with stuff from FromSoftware. I'm not great with Bloodborne / Sekiro either, but I'm managing fine with this title. Really surprised with its story, atmosphere, and game mechanics. Only thing that annoys me is the terrible dodge mechanic (even with the P-Organ upgrade unlocked).

Edited on by SingleStooge



Resident Evil 4 Remake: Chapter 13
Street Fighter 6
When done with RE4 Remake...
Have to restart RE3 Remake...



Just about done with dead space remake.



Hi there fellow gamers;
As of now I´m currently playing two games on my Series X:
Assassin´s Creed Valhalla and Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition and I´m loving every minute.
It has been a while since I´ve played an Assassin´s Creed game (last was Origins) and playing Valhalla now made my want to play Odyssey as well. Go figure.
And then there is Cyberpunk..... Played it on PC on launch week and saw and felt all the issues, bugs and crashes. Return the game after two days.
Now I have the "Definitive" Edition of the game on my Series X, thanks to my significant other, and can safely say that CD Projeck Red has made a great job making this game pretty much what they promissed.
I have only 15 hours, but I just can´t stop playing. It is that good and the gameplay loop is very satisfying. This is the type of role playing game I wanted Starfield to have been. Oh well....
Cheers and happy gaming everyone

Edited on by RaZieLDaNtE

"Don't regret your past, learn from it. Regrets just make a person weaker".

"Solid Snake"

"Want to be a stronger person? Live the moment of your Present, don´t forget your Past and use it to build up your Future."



I've started Psychonauts 2. Played about an hour last night, and so far so good.



I went back to Halo The Master Chief Collection. It now looks and plays incredibly well on Series X. I had played Halo Combat Evolved, 2 and 3 on Xbox One X, the latter in co-operative mode. I beat Halo 3 ODST yesterday and started Reach immediately. I am starting to understand why so many people love Halo. The gameplay, the battlefields, the dynamic strategies, the dialogue, the voice acting, the soundtrack, the art style, the story... It's all excellent and it's clear that 343 Industries have worked very hard to improve everything in this collection. Next are 4 and 5 which have been criticised so much. I want to know why. The latter is 4K and smooth 60fps on Series X so that's a plus. Last in the queue, Infinite ☺️.


Halo 4 is 20% Halo, 80% Hollywood movie. There are some good moments but gameplay is not as good as the previous games for several reasons. Firstly, the battle scenarios and battlefields are poorly designed. There is not as much fun nor strategy as before and there are death pits everywhere. The enemies have all 100% accuracy, so you must do a no-risk approach continuously. Some cut-scenes didn't play voices and when I restarted the checkpoint, it was after instead of before the cut-scenes. Last but not least, an AI that knows how many humans have died fighting the Covenant becomes a 13-year-old selfish brat. Next, Halo 5.


Halo 5 looks great on Series X. It takes off selling a new generation of Spartans, with impressive airborne gymnastics that will not be part of the gameplay at any moment. Written as a Hollywood movie, trailer, even, it focuses on the Prometheans more than before. Once again, combat is more chaotic than strategic. You are doing great but suddenly, an enemy or quick grenade out of nowhere takes you back to the last checkpoint. This happens all the time, with only one or two interesting battlefields. Most of the game consist of a ton of enemies, the Prometheans particularly annoying, with repeated bullet-sponge bosses and little filler in between. This combination makes Halo 5 one of the most repetitive and boring shooters I have played. The story focuses on Cortana once again and although I won't write story spoilers, it's not a good Halo story and it's not a good script either. Fortunately, there is Halo Infinite after this.


Halo Infinite is great, both multiplayer and campaign. I wasn't expecting it after Halo 4 and 5. 343 Industries, with the guy(s) that used to work for Bungie, finally nailed it: gameplay, progression, variety, music, graphics, enemies, bosses, story, script... It's all the opposite of Halo 5 in a good sense. In my opinion, Infinite is the best Halo game and 5 is the worst.

Edited on by Banjo-



Started Disco Elysium this weekend and got almost to the end of day 2. I am enjoying it and intrigued by the way the story is unfolding. However whenever it goes to the social, state of mind etc I get bored almost to death and I just quickly skip text just to gain xp... Basically I care about the detective stuff and nothing else (which is probably not the biggest part of it). Also a little worried to get a game over be because I did not discover "the truth) in the end but let's wait and see.


I'm holding off on starting anything until the direct. If nothing gets shadow dropped, I'm going to start robocop.



I'm playing Halo Infinite. I love the Halo games. All the first-person shooter experience you want and you are not shooting humans!



Started Riders Republic recently. Mixed feelings on this one - it was on and off my wish list quite a few times until I eventually bought it heavily discounted in a sale. I was expecting a Forza Horizon-with-extreme-sports type of experience, which it is, but it doesn't really do it for me like FH4 did.

I'm enjoying the main race events so far - Bike, Skis/snowboard and wing/rocket suit - although they tend to be quite easy even on normal difficulty, so there's no real incentive to go back and play again to improve.

I'm not really enjoying the trick events though, where you win by achieving the best score based on the tricks you do - again with bikes, skis and flying suits. I can't really put my finger on why I'm not enjoying them though, just not for me I guess.

The main thing that's disappointed me with the game is the open world aspect where you travel between the events and explore the map. In FH4, a big part of my enjoyment of the game was exploring the map and tearing down streets or across country to get to the next race. In Riders Republic it's not really possible because of the terrain, as you can't cycle up the side of a steep mountain to get to the next Ski event for example. Because of this, I've just ended up either fast-travelling close to the next event or using a Rocket Suit to fly there. It seems you can use a snowmobile to cross the map but as far as I can tell, unless it's unlocked later in the game, you actually have to buy it as DLC.

There are some online events too, such as Mass Races which sound like fun, but I cant access because I'm not currently subbed to play online/GP, although there are 'Live' events, where you earn gear etc based on challenges on one of the existing race courses etc and they do seem to be accessible without having online.

Overall, a good game rather than a great one.


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