Poll: Which Games Will Get Release Dates At Xbox Developer Direct?

We're very excited for Xbox's second-ever Developer Direct event later this month - featuring four upcoming titles. Sure, we've heard about all of these games before in some fashion, but last year's Dev Direct followed a fantastic deep-dive format and we're looking forward to getting some juicy details on each of these titles next week.

When it comes down to it though, what we're most excited to learn is when each of these games will actually release. Last year's lineup was entirely focused on games launching that year, and with Indiana Jones reportedly gunning for 2024 alongside the rest of this lineup, it's looking like that's the same plan for this year's event too.

While we have no doubt that Xbox is aiming for 2024 with all four of these titles, we're left scratching our heads a little bit as to where each of these will slot into the upcoming roadmap. Will they all arrive later in the year, or will Xbox continue to try and spread its titles out across each quarter?

We're hoping for the latter (to give us some breathing space between each release), but truth be told, we'd just be happy to see all of these titles actually come out this year. Better yet, we're hoping they all get confirmed release dates during next week's livestream!

But, what do you think? Which of the announced Developer Direct games will get confirmed release dates at the show? We're talking proper dates here, not 'release windows' - and you can pick as many options as you want!

Vote in the poll down below and feel free to get chatting about Developer Direct '24 in the comments.

Which Games Will Get Release Dates At Dev Direct 2024? (1,073 votes)

  1. Ara: History Untold16%
  2. Avowed27%
  3. Hellblade 236%
  4. Indiana Jones21%