
Topic: Pure Xbox Game Club - Like A Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name (Jan)

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I've been playing RE7 every night for the last few days, and making some progress.
My routine is: make a cup of tea, turn on the stove, turn out the lights, turn up the volume. Thinking about trying out some headphones to see if it will increase the spook and intensity..!

Quick test to confirm I'm doing the spoiler thing right:

Edited on by sib



@sib Nice! I definitely recommend playing with a headset if you haven't. I purchased a headset around the time I was playing through Blair Witch and it definitely made that experience better, especially at night.


Xbox Gamertag: YungLaFlame


@MAC26 speaking of headsets i plugged mine into the bottom of the controller last night and it didn't have any sound. When i went to settings it showed that party chat would be through the headset but I couldn't get it to just make everything go through it. I think it would be great to use a headset vs TV speakers cuz i play at night and can't be too loud with kids sleeping.

Edited on by Krzzystuff


Xbox Gamertag: Krzzystuff


@Krzzystuff what headset are you using? And yea the headset works great at night, one for the immersive experience and two to keep the tv volume at 0. I have a 2 year old and my headset is a Godsend when he's asleep.


Xbox Gamertag: YungLaFlame


@Krzzystuff gotcha, yea I'm not familiar with that one. I have an Astro A10 and those gave me issues at 1st but I found out it was bc it just wasn't plugged in the jack all the way. I know some Xbox controllers have issues with the headphone jack so maybe try another pair of headset out to see if perhaps it's the controller. If multiple headsets don't seem to work on that controller I'd assume its the controller that has the issue. You can also try plugging in that headset you have into a different controller to see if they work on the other one. Process of elimination


Xbox Gamertag: YungLaFlame


@Krzzystuff the controller headset thing is really annoyingly complicated. You have to use the Xbox accessories app rather than the Xbox settings if I remember correctly. You normally have to update the controller to the latest firmware through this app too (not sure if it has to be connected by usb as mine always is anyway). Then I think there's a setting on that accessories app that changes what audio comes out of the headset plugged into the controller. There's 3 icons under the picture of the controller, I can't remember if it's the one that looks like a chemistry beaker or the 3 dots but one of them should have the full complement of settings that allow you to put the game audio through the controller jack and adjust the volume

Edited on by ralphdibny

See ya!


@ralphdibny yeah I googled it just now and found a video to try out. I have two controllers so I'll try both like @MAC26 mentioned if it doesn't work just to double check.

Thanks to both of you.


Xbox Gamertag: Krzzystuff


@Krzzystuff no problem! It's easily the most annoying thing about the Xbox for me, its a lot easier to set on the PS4 controller but there is a delay in the audio due to the Bluetooth connection so that's unusable for me anyway. I always forget how to do it on Xbox and it takes me ages to work it out but I have done it recently which is why I can remember it better!

See ya!


How's everyone doing with Resi? Just thought I'd check in and see what the progress is like! I'm not sure if I'll get around to it because im still deep into Gears Tactics and have a few games on my personal list to play next.

Also @Krzzystuff How'd you get on with the headset shenanigans?

See ya!


Haven't started it yet since I'm so busy with studies and work but I'm planning to play through it in a couple of weeks!



@ralphdibny i haven't actually had a chance to try it out. I watched a video on it once and it looked simple enough.

As far as RE7 I'm finding it hard to jump into it currently. When I've been on I've been looking for a more chill experience and RE7 is not it lol. Really been enjoying FH4 so that's taken most of my gaming time. I'm a few hours into RE7, how long is the game?


Xbox Gamertag: Krzzystuff


@Krzzystuff good stuff, maybe there is an easier way to do it and I just faffed about for ages 😂

HLTB has resi 7 at 9 1/2 hours for a bare bones playthrough and the DLC clocking at about 6 hours all in. I know what you mean though, it's both a new style of Resi game and it has a heavy atmosphere so it's quite hard to gear up for! I'm sure the combination of those two things will mean I'll spend about 15 hours on it (I normally am a bit slower than the HLTB times anyway)

See ya!


@ralphdibny thanks for that, got a better idea of how long i have to endure for lol. I want to get it done before everyone starts in Ryse in Jan. It's a heavy game and definitely not one I'm playing under the influence.


Xbox Gamertag: Krzzystuff


@Krzzystuff no problemo, I always Google the game name and HLTB before I start a game or series. Admittedly it does sometimes put me off but it can be a useful reference for time management!

See ya!


I'm on the last boss now (I think)..!
Psychologically a very heavy game 😱



@sib well done! You've breezed through it and it's only just turned December!

See ya!


@sib so i know we have Ryse in January lined up so maybe we should get the first Ori going in Feb to lighten up the atmosphere. I have had a hard time getting into this game cuz it's not very uplifting.


Xbox Gamertag: Krzzystuff


@Krzzystuff I do agree that we might have too many violent games in the coming months, so playing something more cheerful during February would be a good idea. Although do note that the first Ori is a rather sad game despite its colourful nature, so maybe something else would be more fitting? It was recently announced that the new 2D Yooka-Laylee game (that is heavily reminiscent of Donkey Kong Country) is coming to Game Pass, so that could be a good option.



How's Gears Tactics? Easy to get into, even for a noob?
I always check HLTB out first as well!

@Krzzystuff @LtSarge
If Ori is emotionally fairly intense, how about sth like Minecraft Dungeons for February? I'm sure there'll be other games coming out on Game Pass in the coming months as well.

For example:

Just realized LtSarge suggested this as well!

Edited on by sib


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