
Topic: Pure Xbox Game Club - Like A Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name (Jan)

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Ryse downloaded and ready to go..!
Looks like I'll manage to finish Fallen Order before the year's out as well!



I'm sorry to tell you guys but I can't do this, not now anyway. I have too much stress from work and life, so I don't want start stressing about video games as well. At least I pass Ryse, so depending what you choose to play on February I might jump in then.

"Wake me... when you need me."

Xbox Gamertag: Justifier1651


@Justifier no worries, I hope you are doing alright! We all need a break sometimes! Do you want me to take you off the tag list? I normally just copy and paste it but I'll leave it as is if you don't mind getting a tag for updates, naturally with no obligation to join in

See ya!


You can tag me, no problem. It's always nice to read others opinions of games. And who knows, I may jump aboard in February.

"Wake me... when you need me."

Xbox Gamertag: Justifier1651


@Justifier hang in there bud. It's been a crazy 9 months since Covid just started spreading.

I'm personally having a hard time getting further into RE7 cuz it's such a dark and heavy game...not what i need. I might finish it in January as i just beat Ryse recently but it's just a game in the end and they should be releasing our stress vs adding to it.

All the best in 2021!

Edited on by Krzzystuff


Xbox Gamertag: Krzzystuff


Happy New Year everyone! I hope you are all well! I know people are a bit in and out in terms of playing Ryse Son of Rome but hopefully most of you get a chance to boot it up. It will be our game until the end of January.

If anyone is reading this and wants to be added to the mass tag list below then please let me know and I'll add you. I don't want to just spam other users by adding everyone to this list without permission or prior shown interest. So just let me know if you want to be added and I will oblige. Even if you just want to be kept up to date as the game changes each month, nobody actually is actually obliged to join in!

@Tothington91 @MAC26 @XBontendo @Justifier @LtSarge @Tjuz @nessisonett @crippyd @Krzzystuff @sib @Ryu_Niiyama @John117 @Kefka2589 @Kaori-chan @LeanerFasterStronger @cracked_seal

The choices for our February game of the month that have been floated are Ori 1 (I think this is the blind forest but correct me if I'm wrong) and Yooka Laylee 2 (the impossible lair). It's been mentioned that a lighter game might be preferable for February. Personally my vote is for Ori, just because it's not a sequel to a game I haven't played. I was put off by it's classification as a Metroidvania but I remember @crippyd mentioning a while back that it's more a platformer than a beat em up style so it's definitely more up my alley. Though if it leans too heavily into the MV genre, I can't promise I'll finish it if it's chosen!

We still have a while before we decide but let me know if you'd prefer February's game to be Yooka Laylee 2 or the first Ori game, or another suggestion and I will count up the votes and change the thread title on Feb 1st accordingly!

Edited on by ralphdibny

See ya!


Well I'm playing through Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair right now on Game Pass so my choice would be Ori and the Blind Forest. Not that I won't be able to participate in the discussions if Yooka is chosen since I'd love to talk about the game, especially when considering that it's basically a spiritual successor to Donkey Kong Country and I really like those games. As a side note though, it's not that difficult to play compared to DKC since there's no life system in the game (i.e. there are no game overs at all) and when you get hit you only lose Laylee (the bat) for a short amount of time of which you can retrieve her during. It can get a bit frustrating sometimes though, but other than that it's a great game.

Also, now that I'm subscribed to Game Pass I might take this opportunity to play through Ryse, although that will have to be later in the month in that case since I want to first play through a good chunk of the games that are on my to-play list.



Well I've at least downloaded Ryse now so that's one step closer to getting this game started! I'm also done with the Gears 5 story DLC so I don't have a big AAA game going on at the moment, so I might just get Ryse started soon.



@LtSarge haha nice, an article on this site said it's only a 6 hour game too and it comes highly recommended by @Krzzystuff !

I didn't actually think it would be amazing , just kind of a time waster. But the high praise has me a bit hopeful for something more

Should be able to get started in the next week or two. I have some things I need to do this weekend

See ya!


@ralphdibny Yeah that article helped convince me to download this game. I've actually started playing it and I'm one hour in right now. All I can say is that this game is phenomenal, I'm absolutely loving the combat. You can tell however that this game has extremely linear level design since most of the work went towards the combat (and the story) in order to make it robust as well as fleshed out. I've heard in the past that this game suffers from repetitive gameplay, but in all honesty I haven't seen any of that thus far. That's mostly due to how much new stuff the game throws at you during the first hour, so you'll be fighting enemies after enemies trying to learn the combat. And considering how short the game is, I highly doubt I'll encounter repetition by the end of the game. The combat is just so awesome with absolutely brutal finishers. It just keeps wanting me to play more, which I'm definitely going to do this weekend.

Also, since this game came out in 2013, I can rest easy knowing that it will run well on my base Xbox One without any technical hiccups, lol.

Edited on by LtSarge



@LtSarge nice! Sounds promising then! It feels like this game went a bit under the radar, for a late adopter like me at least. I only really found out about it because I was actively seeking XBox exclusives. I think it's made by the same people who made Crysis so I'd be up for trying out those games on game pass if this one is good

See ya!


@ralphdibny Yeah it's made by Crytek who also made Crysis and they are especially known for making visually stunning games. I remember many stating that Crysis 2 was one of the best looking games of the PS3/360 era. I've played a bit of every game in the Crysis trilogy but never finished any of the games so I would definitely be interested in playing them, especially Crysis 2 since I've heard nothing but great things about that game.



Hmm, I'll give this a go. I have Ryse downloaded and I'd started it, and quickly got distracted by Sakuna. So perhaps a club will help keep me on track. I'm trying to severely cut my spending this year (as that money needs to go to tuition) so the backlog and gamepass will be my besties this year.

Taiko is good for the soul, Hoisa!
Japanese NNID:RyuNiiyamajp
Team Cupcake! 11/15/14
Team Spree! 4/17/19
I'm a Dream Fighter. Perfume is Love, Perfume is Life.

Xbox Gamertag: Ryu Niiyama


@Ryu_Niiyama nice one, I've added you to the tag list, just let me know if you want to be removed. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this game!

See ya!


I'm really digging the direction that the story is taking now as well as the various locations that the game has. One of the things that many game developers don't do is delve into a historical setting with their games, so it's really cool to see how certain areas could look like back in the day. I also don't think I learned much about the Roman empire as a kid so it's quite nice to learn some history as well.

Man this game and Game Pass in general have really started an Xbox hype train for me. I got Yooka-Laylee 2 and Destiny 2 going on as well, a bunch of other games I want to play, as well as backlog titles such as the Ori games, Mafia Definitive Edition, L.A. Noire etc. I've owned my Xbox One for 5 years now and it's taken until now for me to finally start playing actively on it, lol. Because PS4 basically had all the games that I wanted to play, and now Game Pass has introduced easier access to said games so I can just play most of them on Xbox One without having to buy them individually. What an amazing service.

Speaking of which, if it's okay to submit some suggestions for future Game Club titles, I'd like to suggest Conker's Bad Fur Day and Perfect Dark on Rare Replay, Alan Wake, Quantum Break, and Titanfall 2. Basically a bunch of old exclusives that most people probably have not played and Titanfall 2, which I've heard has a great story and it's only 6 hours long just like Ryse.



@LtSarge nice! We actually learned loads about the Romans in primary school actually because I think they took over a lot of England at the time (we also learned about the Anglo Saxons). I don't remember a lot of it though tbh. I think they were heavily involved in Bible stories too and while I didn't go to a faith school, it was heavily slanted toward Christianity, we had prayers in assemblies and carols at Christmas, so learned a bit about Romans from that. I'm an atheist now though of course.

Those are all good suggestions for the next games actually, I'd be down with something from rare replay and also Alan wake which I believe is a remedy title as @John117 has suggested. What's the deal with Titanfall 1 actually? I only ever hear the second one being mentioned, is the first one rubbish or not relevant to the story of the second one or something?

Also @John117, Welcome! I've added you to the tag list so you get future updates for this group, let me know if you want me to take you off it

Edited on by ralphdibny

See ya!


@ralphdibny That makes sense then why the teachings were so different between us since I don't think the Romans had any involvement in Scandinavia.

Both Alan Wake and Quantum Break are Remedy titles actually! Alan Wake leans more towards telling a psychological horror story while Quantum Break is mostly sci-fi and action. We could play both eventually if people want to, so maybe we can start out with Alan Wake.

Titanfall 1 doesn't have a story mode, it's only online multiplayer so that's why people don't want to play it. I actually remember it being a huge deal back in the day since the game was (or maybe still is) an Xbox One exclusive. But yeah, Titanfall 2 is the one with an actual story mode that's supposedly really good.



@LtSarge we learned about the Vikings too but I think they came to England much later, my knowledge of history is terrible!

Ah fair enough about Titanfall, that explains it! I'm glad it's just a one and done game, I'd be up for playing that in march, or any of the other games mentioned so far

Edited on by ralphdibny

See ya!

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