
Topic: Underrated Xbox Game Pass Games

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With hundreds of games now available on Xbox Game Pass, it's impossible to try them all. What do you think are some of the most underrated that people should play?

Edited on by FraserG

News Editor, Pure Xbox



Eiyuden Chronicles: Rising & Lost in random.
Eiyuden chronicles is a pretty simple, relaxing side scrolling Japanese action RPG. Pretty straightforward, you basically do quests to build up a town. Not that long either, about 10-12 hours to finish it.
Lost in random, is a Tim Burton art syle adventure game with a pretty unique combat style. Its a combination of dice rolling, card play and depending on the cards you get give you abilities.

PSNid: Lavalera


Donut County
Shadows of the Damned (EA Play)

*Huge caveat, the game runs abysmally at times. Expect it to drop into single digit frames often.
Even on Series X it chugs along at about 20fps most of the time.

Honkai Star Rail UID: 714980866 (EU Server)


Superliminal a mind bending puzzle game not entirely dissimilar to Portal

Not played it yet but people with similar taste keep praising Lake, have to get round to that soon



@Lavalera Came here to write about Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising as well! It's such a great game and I've barely heard anyone talk about it. The art style reminds me of Square Enix's HD-2D games like Octopath Traveler. Basically very beautiful graphics with retro-styled 2D characters. The music is great, the gameplay is fun and the story is fairly interesting. Definitely did not expect to get lost into this game when I started it up today. Highly recommend it to people who want a chill 2D action experience.



@LtSarge glad to hear you also enjoy it m8. It's such and underrated gem. That's why I always try to post the more unknown games on here to give my impressions about them, who knows I can give someone an idea for a new game. It's sometimes hard to see on gamepass which game is good and which not but it's fine at least with gamepass I can find these kind of gems which I wouldn't have found otherwise. I'm even stoked about the main game now. Eiyuden 100 heroes or something like that which will come next year. That is a turn based jrpg from what I understand

PSNid: Lavalera



Don’t look up anything ahead of time, just play it.

Voice acting does not automatically improve every game.


I tried Lonely Mountains Downhill. Definitely don’t care for the camera angles / corresponding controls, though a lot could have to do with being so used to Descenders.



Chained Echoes isn't "under-rated", but it's definitely not talked about as much. Great reviews and metacritic score. I played thru on switch and it's well worth it



Rise Of The Tomb Raider and Vampire Survivors.

Playing With Power

On the Series X - ThatSegaDude


@themightyant I played Lake and liked it a lot. Is it back on Game Pass? I thought they took it off.



Firewatch was surprisingly good.



@Romans12 My post was from last year. Lake got taken off unfortunately. A shame as I think they added a Christmas DLC. Would be nice to return to the town.

But you've reminded me about this thread! I just finished Venba yesterday and was blown away by it. It very simple game about being an immigrant in a foreign land and the impact this has on the parents, the children and their relationship, told in part through cooking food. That alone was interesting. But it also has a more universal message about children ignoring their parents, being unappreciative despite all they do, and the impact that has. I immediately called my dad on finishing it. Short, simple but profound.

Edited on by themightyant



@themightyant Oh crap, just saw the date of your post. Lol. I would actually buy Lake to play the DLC. Didn't know they had released DLC. Also, Firewatch was surprisingly good. I would play it again if there were multiple endings. It's nice to play a game once in a while where your character doesn't die (like most games).



@Romans12 No worries, easy to do! (Might have necro'ed a thread or two in my time. lol)

I don't know if the Lake Xmas bit was just a seasonal event that isn't available or separate DLC.

I LOVED Firewatch on release but I replayed it when it hit Game Pass and it didn't hit the same when you know what was coming. It felt even less of a game.



I recently completed Gotham Knights and I would be comfortable giving it at least 10 maybe 15 points more than its 67 Metacritic score.

Maybe it was my expectations after seeing the reviews but I was pleasantly surprised with it. Once you unlock the cape and can glide freely around the map, my only major concern was fixed. That probably should have been a starting ability.

Edited on by BacklogBrad


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