
Topic: Zero/Project Zero/Fatal Frame Official Thread

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@HarmanSmith it is amazing what us fans will go through to try and keep a series going. I’ve done things like this in the past. Hopefully we get what we want this time around. For me it’s the remakes from the PS2 trilogy and then a brand new game.

Side note…. I never played the 4th game before as it never came out in the States, I was just noticing the guy in the 4th game has a strong resemblance to Billy Coen from Resident Evil Zero.


Xbox Gamertag: EvilSilentFrame


@EvilSilentFrame Yeah! At least, they keep their promise with the remaster announcement.

I don't know how well Maiden of Black Water performed sales wise, but I am glad they went ahead with the remasters.


Xbox Gamertag: GarcianSmith


@HarmanSmith Koei Tecmo reported back in like January that Maiden of the Blackwater sold 340,000 copies. I don’t know what the numbers are now as I’m assuming they’ve sold more than that by now. That’s actually really good for this series considering the series as a whole sold 1.3 million. I know for something like Resident Evil, that’s a low number but for Project Zero/Fatal Frame, those are good numbers. I’m hoping that others will discover the series and it will build momentum leading into the PS2 remasters (assuming they do them) especially since the first two are the better games in the series.

Edited on by EvilSilentFrame


Xbox Gamertag: EvilSilentFrame


The visual upgrade of Mask of the Lunar Eclipse is stunning, so I consider this one a remake.

It's a good idea to support this new release since the very start, full-priced, because the support that the Maiden of Black Water remaster received turned it into the best-selling entry and made the Mask of the Lunar Eclipse remake viable. They made a promise and it wasn't just to sell more copies, they fulfilled their promise.

So come on, pre-order Mask of the Lunar Eclipse on the platform(s) of your choice when it's available!



Removed - flaming/arguing



No, there's no way we would have a clue as it looks like you are literally talking to yourself. Not saying you are, but what you are talking about has been deleted, so your posts are it. I guess the best question is why post about it in here?

PSN ID/Xbox Live Gamertag: KilloWertz
Switch Friend Code: SW-6448-2688-7386


@sjbsixpack I see. I was just curious how this had something to do with Project Zero/Fatal Frame. I really wasn’t trying to get in the middle.

What I can tell you is there’s always two sides to a story. I’m not here to judge anybody. If you enjoy the single player experiences on PlayStation, then I say go for it! There’s nothing wrong with that. Confronting or trying to get under somebody’s skin online isn’t going to settle anything. Win or lose an argument, then what? I had somebody who tried to call me uneducated on a certain topic here, I totally ignored the comment. It would only get on my nerves and theirs if I went back at them. You can definitely do what you want but my word of advice is just to ignore them and let it go. Sometimes that hurts them more and you’ll honestly be a happier person in the end.


Xbox Gamertag: EvilSilentFrame


@sjbsixpack truth is, we never know what someone else is going through in their personal life. I don’t know who the other person is, and I really don’t wanna know. This other person could be going through something really hard in their life right now and sometimes little things can upset them. They also could be looking at it completely different from you. I could look at an object head on, and say it is square. You could see it from the side, and say it is triangle. We both are right, it’s just the way we perceived it. Like I said before, there’s always two sides to a story. It might be a case to agree to disagree.


Xbox Gamertag: EvilSilentFrame


@EvilSilentFrame again you are right. But if i said it was square and you said it was triangle i wouldn’t then get angry, accuse you of suffering mental health an call you names like a child might. For the record he was right, i do suffer mental health, I'm bi polar. I used to smoke cannabis a lot to deal with it before i got pro help. I’m cool now an pretty much got it under control. In the past his comments would have really got to me, not so much now days. Like i said, i’m cool now.



@sjbsixpack this is where ignoring them would come into play. That one that called me uneducated doesn’t know me. I’m obviously educated. They can clearly see I can read, write, spell, and use punctuation. However to them, I was uneducated. They saw something in me that made them think that. Just a different way they perceived it. I’m going to let them think that and move on. I’m not going to waste my energy on them or let them think they got to me. They can think I’m uneducated and I’m okay with that.

You can reply to the negative comments if you like, but it’s not going to settle anything. All it will do will is send a signal to them that it upset you and they’ll keep on coming. Ignore it, and it’s no fun to them and they stop.


Xbox Gamertag: EvilSilentFrame


@sjbsixpack You. I just forgot to tag you. My bad. I still must be missing something because I still have no idea who you're talking about, when this happened, or why you're posting about it in here, but I'm assuming that explanation got deleted or something. No big deal, it's just confusing when there seems to be posts missing.

PSN ID/Xbox Live Gamertag: KilloWertz
Switch Friend Code: SW-6448-2688-7386


For the record, I haven't erased a single comment of mine on this thread. All I'm going to say is thank you @FraserG and the whole Pure Xbox staff.

I'd also like to thank @EvilSilentFrame and @KilloWertz for their good intentions not knowing what was going on and who this multi-account user was talking about.

The first page has information about all the entries. I will keep this thread updated as I've been doing since I started it, and I will make sure it stays a respectful place to discuss the Project Zero/Fatal Frame franchise.

Thank you.



@Banjo- I know this is off topic but since it’s horror related, I figured this would be the best place for it. You and I both have wanted a remake of Code Veronica. It’s being reported that Capcom has ordered a cease-and-desist against two fan made remakes of Code Veronica and the original RE. Nothing is official yet but many are speculating that Capcom is making them stop so it doesn’t distract from their own potential remakes of those games. It could be nothing at the same time. They can be stopping the projects because the developers were making money off the projects though things like Patreon. Hopefully it turns out that they are remaking the two games after 4 is released.


Xbox Gamertag: EvilSilentFrame


@EvilSilentFrame They did the same thing with a Resident Evil 2 fan remake, then asked if fans wanted an official remake and the rest is history. I really hope the same thing is happening, a remake of Code Veronica can't come soon enough! Thanks for the updates 😊.


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