
Topic: Zero/Project Zero/Fatal Frame Official Thread

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Maybe a stupid question but why the different names for different regions. I saw this game on both ps and Xbox store but never understood why the name is different

PSNid: Lavalera


@Lavalera it’s not a stupid question at all.

Zero in Japan
Project Zero in Europe
Fatal Frame in North America

The name changed probably to what they believe would sell better in the different regions. They also changed the main character in the first game a bit to “appeal” more to that region. At the end of the day, they want to sell copies of their game. So they did what they believed would allow it for better sales like a name change and editing a character’s facial features and clothing.


Xbox Gamertag: EvilSilentFrame


@EvilSilentFrame I will pick it up when it hits the sale again. I noticed The Evil within 2 on Game Pass and installed it. It's a lot better than I thought it would be. Four hours in and it's keeping me interested. Any of you guys played that?

Xbox: Garbonzoni


@GarbonZoni I did not play The Evil Within 2 yet. I had started the first one awhile ago. Got busy with things and kept saying I was going to start it over. I never did. I had fallen out of gaming for awhile. I just started getting back into it again. I’m actually in the middle of Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Maybe when I beat that one, I’ll get back to Evil Within and possibly it’s sequel.


Xbox Gamertag: EvilSilentFrame


Banjoo-Yes,i am able to confirm that silent hill xbox S-X version is not good enough.But for anybody who are an old fan of the series in my opinion,it worths their time.Simply,it makes you remember.



@Dimitris_Sf If we don't get proper Silent Hill remasters, I'll play the HD collection.

@GarbonZoni @EvilSilentFrame I just read this and it's funny because yesterday I started my second The Evil Within playthrough (new game plus). The first time was on Xbox One, the second time on Series X. A bit smoother now but as fascinating as the first time. The Evil Within 2 is a more balanced game, more enjoyable, somewhat easier, a bit less survival and a little bit more focused on management. I really liked both. The first one is more intense but a little bit frustrating during some big battles because of the manual camera, while the sequel is more polished and more player-friendly. The DLC of the first game is well worth playing. Definitely, I'm going to play the sequel a second time as well.



@Banjo- Yeah i found the same thing with the sequel. Not as spooky as the first 1, but definitely more polished. Loads of different skill trees to max out. It's gonna be a long haul with that one.
Have you checked out the trailer for Resi 4 remake? March 2023, can't wait for that. Also there's some cool footage doing the rounds of Code Veronica, remade in Unreal engine. Looks amazing and if you remember, thats how Resi 2+3 remakes first came about, Fingers crossed. Code Veronica is one of the standout titles of the franchise.

Xbox: Garbonzoni


@Banjo- I’m almost done with Tomb Raider. I’ll give The Evil Within another shot. I remember liking it. Don’t know why I stopped playing it.

I personally don’t think we will get proper SH remasters. I had heard something about Konami losing the coding or original files to the old SH games. That they went back and had to record things off old versions of the game to rerelease 2&3. I’d love proper remasters, but I don’t think it’s happening.


Xbox Gamertag: EvilSilentFrame


@GarbonZoni I am hopeful that the fan remake of CV will inspire Capcom to remake the game. I loved that it inspired them to remake 2 & 3. Let’s hope the fan remakes keep Capcom on this streak.

I also saw the trailer for RE4. I’ll play it when it comes out, but I cannot say I’m excited for it. I see you and many others are and I’m glad it is. I’m more sore at Capcom for skipping over other RE titles that I felt needed the remake treatment.


Xbox Gamertag: EvilSilentFrame


@EvilSilentFrame Yeah, I'd love to see CV and the Resi Remake remastered like 2+3. 2 was flawless, 3 had a bit too much cropped. I love the new look it gives to them, even if you never quite get the same vibe as from the originals. They're still really good to play. I hope 4 gets the same treatment as 2, cause its a good long story with a lot of opportunity for some cool visuals and set pieces.
Did you ever play Rule of Rose on the PS2? I started a new run in the week. Another one I really enjoyed back in the day.

Xbox: Garbonzoni


@GarbonZoni I’m sure RE4 will get the treatment like 2 and not be cropped like 3. I wouldn’t be surprised if they added more to it like the RE 1 remake. The 4th game is held in such high regard, they are not going to let it fail.

I never played Rule of Rose. I actually never heard of the game. I’m going to have to look it up.


Xbox Gamertag: EvilSilentFrame


@EvilSilentFrame Rule of rose is really good. It's got scares , great setting, Good soundtrack and loads of atmosphere and plenty of puzzles. And loads of evil toddlers(which always freak me out in any medium lol). I know to get a copy now is expensive these days. But from talking to you I know you would enjoy it.
Another good one on PS2 was Kuon. Japanese period horror and another must play.

Xbox: Garbonzoni


@GarbonZoni I never owned a PS2 back in the day. I missed out on a lot. Growing up, my brother had Nintendo systems and I had Sega systems. Then when Sega pulled out of the console market, I went with Microsoft. There are a few games from the PS2 that I never got the chance to play. I will look for the two you mentioned. I also never got to play Siren. It was a game from the same people who made Silent Hill. I heard it was available on the PS4 digitally. Might have to check that one out too lol.


Xbox Gamertag: EvilSilentFrame


@GarbonZoni True, Capcom asked if people really wanted them to remake 2 after being aware of the fan remake. Fortunately, people bought the remake (well deserved, Capcom!) and Capcom decided to remake 3 and 4. The trailer of 4 looks good of course but it's criminal that they are skipping Code Veronica, that it's very old now and has the most fascinating story, in my opinion. Resident Evil (2002) is my favourite entry and Zero is a prequel-expansion so both are perfect remake candidates. I hope that the three of them are remade after 4. Resident Evil (2002) is a masterpiece. The remakes of 2 and 3 prove that the over the shoulder camera is better for Resident Evil and they should at least include it as optional in VII, VIII and future games. The fixed camera angles I understand that are more difficult to combine with other cameras. In any case, the first person camera change never clicked with me. At all.

I will have to check Rule of Rose and Kuon... and Siren LOL. @EvilSilentFrame Then they should remake the Silent Hill games. I hope that some of the original staff would be involved. I have only played the reimagining (Shattered Memories) of the first game. I liked it and now I'm curious about the other games but I'm waiting because of the rumours.



@Banjo- they should remake the SH games only if they are done right. I don’t see Konami doing that though. They got lazy. The thought of remakes of these classics scares me more than the games did when I originally played them. If the rumors are true about SH and three games in development, I think Konami is looking at the money and sales by Capcom. Konami needs to be making sure they are done right, but three in development makes me believe that it’s not high quality. I hope I’m wrong but I’m not expecting much from this at all.


Xbox Gamertag: EvilSilentFrame


@EvilSilentFrame I fully understand your concerns but perhaps Konami is changing and is taking video games seriously once again, who knows. I haven't played the original Silent Hill so I don't know if the 2009 reimagining does justice to the original game but before playing 2 and 3 on Xbox, I need to know what's going on. Players say that the HD collection is awful and that Konami only fixed the PS3 version, partially, which is ironic because the Xbox 360 version is still sold and available on Series S/X and the PS3 version is not available outside PS3. Why Konami hasn't fixed the Xbox 360 version is beyond my understanding.

In regard to the Xbox 360 games Homecoming and Downpour, I'd purchase them but they were removed from the Xbox store. What do you guys think about these games, anyway? Are they worth getting if they ever are available again? I heard these are made by American teams and are quite different to the Japanese games. Are Homecoming and Downpour going to be remastered or left behind? The recent rumours mention three games. 2 Remake, a spin-off and a new game?



@Banjo- to be honest, I don’t remember much of Downpour. Homecoming was okay. Wasn’t bad but wasn’t great. I remember them focusing more on enemies and combat. Your character is ex military so he can actually shoot and aim unlike previous SH games. The previous SH games focused on a phobia. Homecoming was focusing on PTSD. I give them props for trying and graphically, I remember being impressed back then. Now, it probably has really aged. In terms of stories, the previous SH games were better. Homecoming is still available to buy digitally. I just searched and there it was. It’s also available to buy through my actual Xbox Series X. Downpour I didn’t see on or on my Series X.

The 360 versions of 2 & 3 are not that bad. If you played the originals on xbox or PS2 back in the day, you’ll see there’s a change. But for somebody who’s never played them, it would be okay. You can definitely hold off and see if Konami does something new for them. I would love them to bring the original SH to xbox. That would be a dream! I’d even play 4 again if they brought that over as well.

Yes the rumors of the three games in development are a SH 2 remake, a game comprised of short stories, and a new game. I would guess they were working on one or two of these, but three in development just seems off. The series was a good one but not a huge seller. For Konami to put money into three at one time makes me believe it’s either not true, or a quick cash grab of mediocre games.


Xbox Gamertag: EvilSilentFrame


I recently saw that Project Zero: Maiden of Black Water is on sale for €30 in the Ultimate Game Sale on Xbox. As a person who hasn't played a game in this series yet, is it okay to jump right into this game, which I believe is the fifth title in the franchise? Or do I need to play the older games in order to fully appreciate this one?

Also, what's the general opinion of this game? Is it good, is it bad?



@LtSarge yes, it is the 5th installment in the series, but no you don’t have to play the others first. Though my favorites were the first two and I highly recommend those if you ever get the chance, the fifth game was still good. It has some creepy moments and the enemies can set up for a decent challenge compared to other survival horror games.

This game does get repetitive at times or sometimes was a little predictable. It juggles between multiple characters. I prefer to just play one main one.

It’s still a decent game and I recommend it to those who like horror games. It has an interesting story and a unique fighting mechanic that differs from other games out there.


Xbox Gamertag: EvilSilentFrame


@EvilSilentFrame The only other Project Zero game that I can get access to is the second entry, which I have on Wii U. But seeing as how I just got a Series X and I want to play more games on that system right now, I'm leaning more towards playing Maiden of Black Water first. I also don't have many horror games to play on Xbox.

It sounds compelling though, even if it has some issues. I think I'll consider picking it up while it's relatively cheap now. Not to mention that there is no physical copy for Xbox, so digital is the only way to go for me.


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