
Topic: Zero/Project Zero/Fatal Frame Official Thread

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@EvilSilentFrame I agree. Remembering how I played the series for the first time, Project Zero 2 Wii Edition, you need a quiet evening and just let yourself be driven by the game slowly. Explore, think and read. The impending danger will come even if you don't want to.

I too, after having these discussions, would like to play all the games again. I have Wii, Wii U and Series X but I don't have a PS2 nor an original Xbox, so emulation is my only choice for 1 and 3. I have said this a few times, but I bought a PS4 thinking that the PS2 games were available, not when a handful of PS2 games were announced for PS4 but at launch, when there was a PS2 digital store available on PS3, but on PS4.

It seems that we will be playing the remakes (the 2021 release looks like a remaster but the 2023 release looks like a remake) in reverse order and, once all of them have been delivered, we will be able to play them in the natural order.

I'm sure that you'll be able to choose Japanese as the voice language as in last year's remaster. I've never played them in Japanese but I feel the urge to switch to Japanese voices in some games where they are available because of the awful English dubbing, e.g., Octopath Traveller, so I should probably do the same and hear the difference, at least where available.

Edited on by Banjo-



@Banjo- the English dubbing in PZ/FF games hasn’t been as bad as some other series. There are some where I wonder if they just found the first person who spoke English without any acting experience and were like “good enough.”

It doesn’t help us now, but I’m wondering if in time, PlayStation will add 1-3 to their online service. I personally don’t have their service yet,. Though I love older games and I know it’s still new, they haven’t done a good job yet on bringing in a good library of older games. Maybe some more time, they’ll have a better selection and including 1-3.

This almost feels like a bookclub lol. “Now everybody go play the first one and report back” lol. With horror games becoming more accepted and this trend of remakes/remasters coming, it gets me excited for the future. I personally think they are working on 6 while another team is working on the older games. I don’t have proof, so please nobody take my word as “news.” I’m just thinking with “Maiden of Black Water” selling better than the past games, that it might be encouraging for them to make the next one while getting the older ones out to also help fund the project(s). I’m also hoping that the budget is bigger and the story/rituals are more like the first two. Would be nice for the series to return to its former glory and just maybe get the recognition it deserves this time.


Xbox Gamertag: EvilSilentFrame


@EvilSilentFrame If you do end up trying Fire Emblem, I recommend Three Houses. It's very beginner friendly, has a pretty good story, and does a great job of developing its phenomenal cast.

Also, the music:

I'm not a sub snob (anymore), but some games just work better with the original voice track. Certainly something as inherently Japanese as Fatal Frame.

Did the entire original trilogy release on Xbox, or just the first two games?

Currently Playing: Ghost of Tsushima: Director's Cut (PS4) / Prodeus (SD) / Master Detective Archives: Rain Code (NS)


@EvilSilentFrame I also think that the English dubbing isn't bad in this series but I should play Maiden of Black Water with the Japanese voices for a change. I'm not hoping to get the original games as part of a subscription but my hopes in 2013 were to be able to buy the.PS2 versions on PS4. Now, I would love to get all the remasters/remakes on Series S/X and that seems very likely after V and IV. I think that they might wait until they remake all the games before making VI, to achieve a renewed and expanded fan base but I also might be wrong. That would be V, IV, III, II, I and VI.



@Ralizah the first two games released on Xbox after the PS2 versions were already out. They came out on Xbox and had some extras over the ps2 version. The first game had an extra ghost you can battle in a specific mode and the second game had an extra ending, an extra mode, and the ability to play the entire game in first person. There might have been other extras but I can’t remember anything else off the top of my head. The third game stayed on PS2 and never came to Xbox.

@Banjo- I think the games will also release in the same order you gave and like you said “to achieve a renewed and expanded fanbase.” So many gamers missed out on these back in the day and there’s a whole new generation that is now gaming that wasn’t around back then. It’s a reintroduction to the series going backwards. This can also help fund the sixth game and once they get all the older ones out, I think they’ll release VI.


Xbox Gamertag: EvilSilentFrame


@EvilSilentFrame Yes and, as you said, development of VI could start anytime. All the key information I could find about the games is on the first page, including the different versions 😊.



@Banjo- going forward with the series, do you want it more like the earlier games where it felt more like one continuous run through, or do you want it like V where they have it broken down with chapters?

I personally don’t hate chapters but my preference is more of a continuous play. Yes the first couple games had chapters or nights, but it wasn’t as jarring and then giving you a different character for the next chapter (I know the early games had secondary characters like Mayufu and Mayu in short quick scenes, but for the most part you’re left playing just one character.) I felt V was broken up a bit and I just wanted to progress and not end up back home at the end of the day. I wanted to stay in its haunted locations and stay with one main character.

I think the one good thing about the chapters is if you’re trying to complete your ghost list. You can start a specific chapter again and capture all the ghosts instead of restarting the whole game. If they are making VI, I’d like to focus on a single main character and play one longer play through than broken up chapters.

Edited on by EvilSilentFrame


Xbox Gamertag: EvilSilentFrame


@EvilSilentFrame Normally, I have played the second walkthrough in a harder difficulty mode and each new walkthrough was meant to get more ghosts. This must be one of the few games I complete in "hard" mode.

The chapters or nights are fine, even having a small segment played by a different character, like the introduction before their disappearance. That's a good idea and that's probably the ideal structure. A small segment in the beginning and the whole game played by a different character. However, giving all characters equal screen time restarts the story too often and breaks the immersion, so I completely agree with you.



@EvilSilentFrame Wow I guess I will have fan seeing the internet explode because of something minor like having some outfits be less revealing. It is a bit strange how we are ok nowadays with extreme gore, but we have problems with revealing outfits and oversexualized/sexy characters...



@belmont I absolutely agree, I don't care much about the outfits but I can't understand why something inherently natural like sex/sexy stuff is punished nowadays while any level of gore is completely fine. In theory, it's because of the "modern" religions (Christianity, Catholicism). It was no big deal in ancient cultures, that were more advanced in that regard.



@belmont @Banjo- the article suggested the change was probably due to the ages of the girls. Being that they are 17, the company might be trying to avoid any negative press. They also mentioned alterations to Maiden of the Black Water and I never noticed.

I also agree that it’s strange we are okay with horror and gore, but the clothing on the human body must be altered to cover up. Just strange considering Tecmo made the Dead or Alive games which had barely any clothing, but it’s a different time now. I am one I like to unlock everything, but rarely do I ever change my character’s costume from its default one. So whatever they start off with is probably what they will be wearing for my replays.


Xbox Gamertag: EvilSilentFrame


@Banjo- @EvilSilentFrame I thought first they did it to go for a pegi 16 rating but it is pegi 18 anyway so it makes no sense. In any case I don't care as most people anyway except the people "#$$ Sony FORCES developers to CENSOR all versions of games" crowd. This outfit alteration does not change the scope or the vision of Project Zero.

There are other cases that the scope changes and I am less forgiving with those. I never got around how bad some characters (mostly female) look in Mortal Kombat 11. I know they are supposed to be older but I guess this means ... shorter? And way less sexy? Come on its MK ...

Thank god Dead or Alive has kept the artstyle in characters of both sexes though.

TBH I don't think it is a religion thing. I live in Europe and I have no idea (or care that much tbh) of what is happening in the USA but in many forums fans put the blame on various political groups using abbreviations and words I don't understand.



@belmont @EvilSilentFrame Yep, the good thing is that in Project Zero the default outfits are perfectly fine. The remake of Mask of the Lunar Eclipse looks much better than the Wii version. One day, we'll have all the remasters/remakes on Series S/X 🤤.



@belmont I’m also glad this game isn’t being censored the same way Sony has forced others to censor when putting games on their system. I’ve always looked at it as almost like art and the ones Sony asks to be censored really don’t deserve it.

As for MK, yes they’ve changed the look to many of their characters. In the past, they have come under fire for over sexualizing the characters, especially the females. I didn’t think they cared much as they have come under fire for other things as well, especially the violence. I mean they are the whole reason why games get ratings. But with there being so much political influence on pretty much everything in the US, companies are changing a lot of their ways. I’m guessing the clothing of females in games is included, again it doesn’t bother me if they left it or change it. I don’t play the games for the clothing. There’s a big emphasis here that it teaches boys that girls can be objectified and not respected. The MeToo movement has really been trying to reverse all that. I don’t see how changing the outfits in this game is going to help with that but the team must have a reason for altering the costumes.

@Banjo- the remaster really does look so much better than the Wii version! I looked it up and was like wow what a difference! It’s going to look only better on my OLED TV. I cannot wait.

When I looked up the Wii version of Mask if the Lunar Eclipse, I remembered you mentioning playing Crimson Butterfly on the Wii as well. So I looked it up. It was the first time I ever saw any footage of that game and I also liked the visual upgrade it received. Though I liked the look of many of the cutscenes in the original version better, I thought they did a good job using the power of the Wii to upgrade the game. It was also the first time I heard their voices in that game. I wasn’t expecting them to have British accents, but I liked it. Gave the game a fresh feel. Maybe one day I’ll watch a play though all the way.


Xbox Gamertag: EvilSilentFrame


@EvilSilentFrame Now that's what a remaster should look like!

Really impressed with the visual overhaul to this game.

I'm just going to keep buying copies until they decide to remaster the PS2 trilogy.

Currently Playing: Ghost of Tsushima: Director's Cut (PS4) / Prodeus (SD) / Master Detective Archives: Rain Code (NS)


@Ralizah LOL that’s hysterical! Buying copies till they release the PS2 games. Yes!!!

I’m impressed with the visuals as well. If they do the same with the original trilogy, we are all in for a treat!


Xbox Gamertag: EvilSilentFrame

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